73% Iranians vote for secular government while 22.5% advocate for religious government, says study

Iranians vote: Let’s take a look at our top story, an interesting study coming in from Iran now. According to the study by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, there has been a significant decline in adherence to religious values, this despite extensive ideological propaganda by the government in Iran. As per the study, 85% said Iranians have become less religious compared to five years ago. Only 7% say they have become more religious, and around 8% say they don’t see any difference between now and five years ago.

Iranians vote for secular government

Iranians vote for secular government: Iranians vote

Furthermore, almost three quarters of Iranians want a secular government instead of a theocratic dictatorship. The study highlights that approximately 73% of Iranians advocate for the separation of religion from state. Contrary to this, 22.5% are advocating for a religious government.

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This is a sharp increase in secularism, with demands for secular governance rising from less than 31% in 2015. Similar studies were also conducted in 2000, 2003 and 2015. This is the fourth such study with participation from over 15,800 Iranians aged 18 and above across all 31 provinces. While many consider the results surprising, those taking part in the study have also indicated that Iranians are likely to be even less religious in the coming years.

The poll suggests. A major shift in attitudes towards Iran’s religious regime has occurred since the 2022 women life freedom uprising. Protests had erupted across the country after the death of 22 year old Masa Amini, who was arrested for improper practice of hijab, where she was allegedly assaulted, causing her eventual death.

On the issue of compulsory hijab, around 38% said they do not mind if women defy the compulsory hijab, while 46% said they still oppose women who do not wear hijab but they would not object to them. The results come amid a crackdown on civil and religious liberties in the country. Last year saw a record number of executions as the regime battles to fight for legitimacy on the eve of parliamentary elections scheduled on the 1 March news.

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