Red Sea Attacks: US & British military conduct combined operation against Yemen’s Houthis

Red Sea Attacks: Yemen have been targeting ships to stand against Israel’s oppression on Gaza, but this has provoked the United States to carry out daily strikes.

The hoodies have targeted an american oil tanker in the Gulf of Eden. What the rebel group sees as solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, the west sees as illegal attacks. The comes as the United States and british forces carried out another round of strikes on Saturday. A joint statement confirmed that 18 hoodie targets across eight locations in Yemen were hit.

Red Sea Attacks: US & British military

Red Sea Attacks: US & British military: Red Sea Attacks

This is the fourth time that a combined operation was carried out. The strikes also have support from the wider coalition from countries like Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands and New Zealand. The latest strike was part of a series of western attacks on hoodies. In fact, the US has carried out nearly daily strikes, but they have so far failed to deter the hoodies.

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According to global maritime trackers, the rebel group has attacked at least 45 vessels in the region. The attacks have upset global trade and raised shipping rates. The vital Suez Canal shortcut has been disrupted. It accounts for about 12% of global maritime traffic. The yemeni armed forces, along with all the great yemeni people, persist in upholding their religious, moral and humanitarian duties towards the palestinian people. And their military operations will not stop unless the aggression stops and the siege on the palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.

Over in Yemen, the situation is complicated. The Houthis control most of Yemen’s west and this is one of the most populated parts of the country. The people in this part agree with the Houthi cause. The strikes will not affect us. We are now fighting for Gaza. Our fight is for Gaza and Palestine. We will not be deterred by the strikes of the Jews and the Americans no matter what. We are used to war. We have been in war for nine years.

Your strikes will not intimidate or scare us. We will keep on supporting Gaza with all the power we have. The more you move away from the west and towards the centre, the politics changes. Yemen’s presidential council is asking for foreign force against the Houdis. They wish to launch a ground operation that would back us and UK airstrikes. But the question is, is the west ready for a third proxy war? Red Sea Attacks

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