IVF families: Alabama lawmakers pledge to find solution for IVF families, providers

Turn tonight to the race for president and this deeply personal issue of IVF and what comes next for millions of women in this country.

Tonight, Donald Trump says he supports IVF after widespread backlash after Alabama’s Supreme Court determined frozen embryos should be considered.

Find solution for IVF families

People tonight, the Biden campaign arguing this is because of Trump and his picks for the Supreme Court overturning Roe.

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Tonight, after public outcry, Alabama’s attorney general saying he has no intention of prosecuting IVF families or providers. But the state’s biggest hospital, one of three major clinics stopping IVF,

The state Supreme Court reconsiders its opinion that determine frozen embryos are people or until legislation is passed, leaving distraught families with no other choice but to wait. I mean, it’s not luxury in here. Gabby Price and her husband downsized to this campervan to save money for IVF. Gabby taking a job just for its fertility benefits. Now with so much uncertainty, they’re looking to start IVF out of state.

The state’s republican governor says she’s now working on a solution with GOP lawmakers to protect IVF access, including a proposed bill clarifying an embryo is not a child until it’s implanted in a woman’s uterus.

That question now a flashpoint on the campaign trail tonight. Donald Trump weighing in for the first time, saying he supports IVF and he’s calling on the Alabama legislature to find a solution.

The Biden campaign accusing Trump of trying to run away from his own record on abortion and ivf, saying this would not have happened if Trump didn’t appoint three Supreme Court justices who ultimately voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, something Trump has taken credit for.

Reproductive rights advocates and women relying on IVF had feared that the fall of Roe would open the door to states further restricting reproductive rights.

They just were like, here’s our opportunity to do something that we’ve been trying to do for quite a long time.

On the eve of the South Carolina primary, both former President Trump and Nikki Haley are trying to show that they favor IVF, which has overwhelming public support. Vice President Kamala Harris tonight is calling Trump the architect of the IVF crisis here in Alabama.

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