sanctions on Russia: US to impose ‘crushing’ sanctions on Russia

US to impose ‘crushing’ sanctions: Overseas. Now to the war in Ukraine with the latest new images of russian strikes in Ukraine. This as we mark two years since the invasion. And in that time, tens of thousands of people have been killed and injured. Millions more have been forced from their homes.

Russia is now the most sanctioned country on earth, but it doesn’t seem to be making too much of a difference. Putin has turned Russia into a war economy, making more munitions a focus on total victory. But the West’s commitment to this war seems to be fraying.

US to impose ‘crushing’ sanctions on Russia

A series of russian strikes on Ukraine overnight marking two years to the day since its invasion. A drone attack in Odessa hitting a residential building, killing a 70 year old and leaving three others in critical condition. And after the death of Putin’s most famous critic, President Biden is now ordering more than 500 sanctions. sanctions on Russia

Navalny’s widow with this impassioned appeal to release his body.

Alexei Navalny Body of Russian opposition leader returned to mother; Alexei Navalny; Body of Russian opposition; leader returned to mother;; hlwupdate; Hlw Update;
Alexei Navalny Body of Russian opposition leader returned to mother

Give back the body of my husband. She says you tortured him alive. Now you are continuing to torture him dead.

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The sanctions, the largest yet targeting individuals connected to Navalny’s death, as well as Russia’s military and financial institutions, including revenue generated from Russia’s metals and mining sector. US Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer now putting pressure on Republicans to pass a $60 billion military aid bill blocked in the house.

Ukraine says the lack of aid has allowed Russia to make gains. The capture of Advika could be just the start. There’s also real concern Russia may try again to push towards Kiev. Ukraine now boosting their northern defenses.

But a lot of people looking at this think, actually the reality is that it doesn’t matter who wins in November. Ukraine is going to have to make a deal with Russia. The Ukrainians will not make a deal with Russia as long as they are winning on the battlefield. They could be forced to sue for peace if they’re losing. But that would be an awful situation that will embolden Putin. And my guess is that he wouldn’t stop after such a deal.

And it’s two years to the day since Russia invaded Ukraine. But the situation for this country does not look good. Russia is pushing on multiple fronts. And the Ukrainians say it’s very simple. If aid doesn’t get through Congress, they’ll lose.

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