American couple missing in Caribbean after fugitives allegedly steal their yacht: Police

This morning, an urgent manhunt is underway for an american couple missing in the Caribbean. They were last seen nearly a week ago. And now bizarre details are emerging about the couple’s stolen yacht.

They had planned this trip for years, just the two of them on their catamaran in the Caribbean. This morning they are American couple missing, as you say, after authorities say they may have come in contact with three violent escaped prisoners.

American couple missing in Caribbean

This morning, the frantic search for an american couple missing from their yacht in the Caribbean. Authorities say it was stolen by escaped prisoners.

Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandle from Falls Church, Virginia, were vacationing on their yacht simplicity on the caribbean island of Grenada. According to Henry’s sister, Sue Ellen, the couple was last seen by a neighbor last Sunday going into a restaurant. By 630 the next morning, the couple and the yacht gone.

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What happened next remains a mystery, but local police say the yacht became the target of three alleged criminals who escaped from a police station in Grenada and stole it.

The next thing we have is the boat is at SVG, too close to the shore, rips sails, and another boat comes across it and says everything about that doesn’t look right. Authorities catching them three days later on a neighboring island. A sailing association says the boat was found abandoned with, quote, evidence of apparent violence.

All the more devastating. So authorities in the Caribbean have the couple’s boat. They have the three prisoners who had escaped from prison. They have evidence of violence on the boat, but they still, at this hour, are searching for the couple. And by the way, the couple’s two children and nephew have joined in on the search.

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